STAGE 10 - Belton to Earsham: Distance 18.13 miles

10a. From the changeover (TG 514 023) return on the left hand side of the pedestrian path. ⚠ Beware of approaching runners and cyclists.
10b. 100 metres before the main roundabout cross the road where indicated to join your support vehicle. At the roundabout turn left
10c. Follow the A143 for approximately 9.5 miles through St Olaves and Haddescoe to the large roundabout at Mcdonalds and services. Take the third exit marked 'Diss, Norwich and Bungay'.
10d. Follow the main road for 1 mile to another roundabout and take the first exit marked 'A143 Bungay'.
10e. stage 1bFollow the main A143, crossing two roundabouts (1.7 miles from second roundabout to the changeover) for 6 miles bypassing Bungay. Then turn left into a minor road signed for Earsham
10f. stage 1fAfter 200 metres turn right and continue for 20 metres to the T- junction. ⚠ Be extra cautious at the right turn and beware of oncoming traffic.
10g. stage 1bAt the T-junction turn right and continue for 575 metres to the changeover (TM 315 884). ⚠ Be extra cautious at the right turn and beware of oncoming traffic.